Music and coffee

Music and Coffee

Did you realize that the term coffee recurs very often in song titles or lyrics?

Artists and singers love this delicious drink as well as we do, and they can’t do without it even in their masterpieces. Maybe their inspiration came from drinking a cup of coffee.

In this article we will discover together some of the songs that talk about coffee.

Cranberries, "Wake Up and Smell the Coffee." 

The Cranberries rock group used coffee as inspiration in their song "Wake up and smell the coffee", an invitation to wake up early in the morning with the pleasant smell of coffee.

Fiorella Mannoia, "Hot dark coffee." 

Fiorella MIn her 1981 song “ Hot black coffee” Fiorella Mannoia says:

I spend time drinking 

hot black coffee

in this nest that by now is

warmed by a patient sun

A sun burning inside me

Strong just like coffee is...”

Riccardo Del Turco, "But what did you put inside the coffee"

In his 1969 song Riccardo Del Turco says 

“But what did you put inside the coffee

that I drank at your place?

Now there’s something different

in me

Fabrizio De Andrè, "Don Rafaè"

“Don Rafae” is an extremely famous song by Fabrizio De Andre’ about coffee made by the prison guard Pasquale Cafiero for Don Rafae , following the recipe of Cicinirella’s mother

“Oh ,coffee is so good ! Only in jail they know how to make it dry with the recipe that was given to my jail mate Cicinirella by his Mom".

Toto Cotugno, "The Italian."

Toto Cotugno with his well-known song “ The Italian” (1983) says “ Good morning” to Italy saying “

"Good morning to Italy with Espresso”

After this excursus on songs about coffee, we can only listen to them and be inspired by this unique and unfailing beverage.

Caffè Murgana produces this delicious drink in the form of coffee pods (compatible with Nespresso and Lavazza) and coffee beans.

Caffè Murgana was founded in 1998 carrying on a story of passion, work and continuous search for the best raw materials to ensure the quality of excellent coffee. Aromas and flavors blend together for a unique experience and in each of our blends you will find goodness and flavor offered by the earth.

Visit the website and e-commerce Coffee Murgana!